This customer was using 4 of our Rockwheels for the installation of a sewage system, The D20 Rockwheels were used to excavate down to 4.2m for the manholes and also the trenches running in between them which had to be profiled to 1.5m in width.
The D20 Rockwheels easily cut through and excavated the magnesium limestone rock, making it simple to remove with a bucket. The customer mentioned that the waste rock removed would have been perfect for backfill but on this occasion it wasn’t permitted to use it.
What worked Well
More Production – The Rockwheel quickly and efficiently excavated the rock
Better end Product – The accuracy available of the Rockwheels meant that the manholes and trenches could be profiled with perfect straight edges.
More Durable – The customer mentioned that the Kennametal picks were noticeably more durable than other equivalents they have tried.